EdLab Group Foundation (formerly known as The Puget Sound Center Foundation for Teaching, Learning, and Technology)
Many low-income families in Washington State report not having access to broadband services, limiting their access to the education, job and health information, and the civic tools that information technology provides. To address this concern, the Puget Sound Center Foundation for Teaching, Learning, and Technology is proposing to expand the capacity of local public computing centers, enhancing broadband adoption, workforce preparation, digital literacy, education, and justice resources and training. The project will serve the unemployed, low-income housing residents, people with disabilities, immigrants, and youth through libraries, non-profits, and justice centers in Washington State. The project proposes to provide GED, ESL and financial educational services to at-risk and economically vulnerable populations, as well as to partner with local businesses to provide “train-the-trainer” services to build capacity at the computer centers. Five rural courts will also serve as computer centers, where residents can apply for public assistance, access online legal resources, government and human resources information, and seek the help of legal volunteers.