University of California, Davis

California Telehealth Network – eHealth Broadband Adoption

The University of California, Davis, a leading research university with one of the nation’s top medical training centers, is proposing a program to increase institutional use of the California Telehealth Network (CTN), a broadband network constructed with funding from the Federal Communications Commission’s Rural Health Care Pilot Program. The project proposes to increase institutional adoption of broadband services through: (1) promoting CTN as the optimal solution for technical training and the transition to long-term sustainable adoption; (2) training healthcare providers, community college instructors, public safety workers, and local librarians; and (3) creating “full service” model communities to successfully demonstrate broadband-enabled telehealth.

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BTOP In Action
A patient in a doctor’s office speaks with a nurse using video conferencing.

The University of California, Davis (UC Davis) increased institutional adoption of broadband services offered by the California Telehealth Network (CTN). UC Davis developed 60 online lessons to support transitions to technology-enabled health care, and more than 450 individuals accessed the material through the eHealth Training website. Additionally, eHealth course content created for nursing, medical assistant, and computer information sciences students was available for community college faculty to reference in the development of their own curriculum. Instructors had also accessed content such as Technical Project Management and the Importance of Broadband for Health Care Delivery. UC Davis also engaged consumers by installing ExploreHealth kiosks in community anchor sites. The kiosks are web-based portals that helped users access health information on the Internet.

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