New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
The NYC Connected Learning project plans to provide computer training, desktop computers, educational software, and free broadband access for one year to more than 18,000 low-income sixth-graders and their families (approximately 40,000 residents total) in 100 high-need public middle schools in New York City. Of these households, the applicant anticipates that more than 12,000 will subscribe to broadband beyond the free year-long subscription period. The not-for-profit organization Computers for Youth plans to conduct computer training for parents and students in English, Spanish, and other languages as needed. Project outreach will target the larger middle-school community and their families using multilingual newsletters and flyers, phone calls, public informational meetings, and school websites. The awareness campaign is expected to reach all of the sixth to eighth-graders in the schools, totaling roughly 46,000 households or 100,000 residents.